Romanian National Infrastructure for Advanced Scientific Computing (formerly National Grid Infrastructure - NGI-RO) is a consortium of research
and academic institutions whose purpose is to promote, implement, maintain and
operate the national distributed computing infrastructure for science and
The consortium is coordinated by Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in
Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), which represents NGI-RO in the
European Infrastructure of Advanced Computing for Research (EGI).
The specific objectives of NGI-RO are:
- To provide top quality services of grid and cloud computing, data storage and management, to the national research and academic communities.
- To facilitate the access of scientists to advanced computing technologies and applications.
- To represent the interests of the providers and beneficiaries of resources and services of grid and cloud computing for scientific research.
- To promote the exchange of know-how on distributed computing infrastructures and Big Data.
- To stimulate and support the collaboration between the user communities and the participation in (inter)national e-Infrastructure projects, in particular within the Horizon 2020 EU programmes.
- To disseminate the knowledge on grid and cloud technologies within scientific and industrial communities and to increase the public awareness regarding their benefits.